So let’s not argue anymore, okay? Is it okay for husband and wife not to argue? Okay! But then what?
Many times, husband and wife cannot avoid moments of chaos.
Arguing is difficult to avoid. Many marriages gradually fade and become damaged after each argument.
Many wives are disappointed by their husbands after each argument with them.
Many husbands marry beer bars and have affairs with pubs after every argument with their wives. The number of times I think about letting go increases with the number of arguments.
Every argument is a terrible waste of energy, causing many people to not be able to do anything properly afterward…
So let’s not argue anymore, okay? Is it okay for husband and wife not to argue? Okay! But then what?
There are so many wives out there who are so bored with their husbands that they don’t bother arguing. How many husbands avoid their wives like leprosy? Marriage becomes the tomb of love. There is no more respect for each other.
Still husband and wife, but no longer life partners, no tomorrow, no hope. The wife lives with the wife, the husband lives with the husband. When we’re together, our hearts are cold.
We can’t stop arguing. So, learn how to argue to… be happy. To be:
1. Do not argue to determine victory or defeat. Every argument is only for the purpose of sharing your thoughts and opinions and respecting the opinions and thoughts of the other person. Is respect must be guaranteed. Will stop arguing if one of them shows disrespect to the other.
2. Arguing is for Tomorrow, not for Yesterday.
3. Do not expand the problem – Do not speculate beyond the initial reason why the couple quarreled.
4. Don’t blame the other person. Arguing isn’t because it’s my fault or your fault. It’s about how we fix these problems properly.
5. Manage your emotions during the argument. Stop when negative emotions in yourself or in the other person show signs of increasing.
6. After arguing, you must make up as soon as possible. Give your partner a gift and apologize for this unpleasant experience. Consider it a mandatory principle in every argument between husband and wife.
It’s easy to say, everyone knows these 6 bullet points, right?
But whether you can do it or not depends on whether you want this marriage to be long or thin, whether you want to be with your partner for a long time or not.
I really need this person for my life or whatever it is.
It depends on you….